rainy thoughts...

I'm just sitting here, inhaling the caramel coffee-scented candle that evokes memories of nights out with friends at the coffee shop in the city.  I'm listening to some folksy music and sipping a homemade cup of hot chocolate, compliments of my amazing housemate, Betty.  What would I do without her?! (This is a rhetorical question, of course!)  To me, all of this sounds like I should be bundled up in fuzzy pajamas and have slippers on because it's 25 degrees outside.  But it's not.  It's a balmy 80 degrees outside and I'm on the Island of Spice - Grenada.  Sounds like a nice, sunny place, right?  Wrong!  The last four days have been rainy on and off all day - and it's dry season!  So when these days come around, I just pretend that there's a blizzard outside and stay all warm and cozy inside my house.  (Hence the hot cocoa!)


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