Field Trip #2

Trimester 2 field trip is now a memory.  This school year is just flying by unbelievably fast!  I can't believe we are at this time of year already!  Our second field trip of the year was to the Cabier petting zoo. 

They had a number of animals native to Grenada (or else kept as pets here): manicou (opposum), tattoo (armadillo), a monkey, donkeys, iguana, rabbits, turtles, an owl, and guinea pigs. The students loved to see all the different kinds of animals.

Manicou (oppossum)

Uel petting the turtle

Tattoo (armadillo)

Another highlight of the trip was the donkey rides.  We all got one - even us teachers!  And yes, our feet almost reached the ground.

Sarah and Jennarosa
I even took my turn! :)
We stopped at La Tante Point to eat our lunches.  Then we continued down the road a little ways to Belle Isle.  Probably the best part of the field trip for some of the kids was when our bus driver put the bus in neutral and we went down some pretty steep roads.  The kids thought they were on a roller coaster.  They loved it!

Ashton, Uel, Tevin, Joshua, & Joshua, & Jennarosa
Uel, me, and Tevin (the sick students) :)
The only downside to the day was the sick student I had who threw up before we even left school!  He said he felt better and since no one was at his house for him to go home to, I felt bad for him and let him come along.  He obviously did NOT feel better.  Thankfully he waited till he was out of the bus again to get sick.  But that didn't stop another student, who even though he rides in a car every day to come to school, still gets carsick!  But they were pretty neat about it and I came prepared (plastic bags and a rag), so that helped some! :)


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