Week 2 in Senegal

Time seems to be flying by here in Senegal!  I can't believe that I've already completed two weeks!
In the outpatient clinic where I am working, we are currently seeing three types of patients: 

→Max Fax (these patients have had surgery on their mouth or face, usually a tumor removed, cleft palate or lip repair, or an TMJ ankylosis release),

→Plastics (usually release of a skin contracture from a burn and skin grafts)

→General Surgery patients (hernia repairs or removal of lipomas/tumors).

When they come for their appointment, we make sure they are taking their medications correctly, their pain is being controlled, they are doing their therapy each day, and completing wound care at home as needed.  We also remove sutures and staples, clean and redress wounds/incisions/skin grafts, and assist in providing oral care after oral surgeries.  We assess nutritional needs and refer the patient to a dietitian as needed, as well as provide lots of education. 

This patient was so excited to be discharged and requested to have a picture taken with the nurses and staff who had cared for her.

It's so fun to continue to see the same patients multiple times now and watch the improvements they are making as they come for their outpatients appointments!  We discharge some patients after one visit, but some patients may need to come back for follow up appointments for weeks to months!  Skin grafts and cleft palate repairs can take a long time to heal.

Before surgery

After surgery


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