An empty house....sort of....
The past weekend found me with an empty house, but I decided to remedy that. Everyone seemed to think that I would be beyond lonely, which wasn't necessarily the case, but I didn't mind the extra company either. My housemate, Rhonda, traveled to Ohio for a wedding on Thursday morning, the first day of our long 4-day weekend. Since it was one of the only days I could sleep in, I got up to see her off....and then went back to bed. :)
Later in the day you could find me at a local hotel's pool, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the salt-free water! A couple of the hotels here allow you to use their swimming pool if you buy food from their restaurant, so everyone once in a while we take advantage of that. The pool, which is in walking distance of the famed Grand Anse beach, is usually very empty (I wonder why!). Thursday was Corpus Christi - another Catholic holiday.
My evenings weren't empty either - this past week was the Limes Crusade which wasn't actually held in the Limes this year. It was our turn for a tent crusade and it was decided to have it in the nearby community of Frequente, in the Bronx. The evangelist for the week was Ted Steinruck from Fairview Mennonite Church. It was a very growing and profitable week.
On Friday it was our third and final Teacher's Day for the school year. We went to Airport Beach and played a number of games till lunchtime. Then we headed to the mall's food court for lunch. Friday evening after crusade I had three of the girls overnight that faithfully come to the Bible Study we have every week. We had fun shooting baskets, eating food, talking, taking pictures, and just hanging out. The next morning we headed to the beach for awhile, before coming back and cleaning up. Then it was off to another night of crusade.
On Saturday, I had two of my students from last year, Shanika and Briana, over for a sleepover after crusade again. Both of them live right here in the Limes and often stop by our house. Once again, we played games, made cookies and punch, and had fun together. They tried to insist that I sleep between them for the night, but after a previous experience (involving snoring,arms wrapped around my neck, and not much sleep for me), I told them I would sleep right across the hall from them. To say the least, this statement was not met with cheers. So I compromised and squished in between them until they had fallen asleep.
The next morning it was off to the tent for church. The sun beating down on the dark green tent made it extremely HOT! But we survived and still had a good church service. The week of crusade was wrapped up that evening with the ninth and final service.
On Monday it was back to school again, and in the evening I took advantage of the empty house to do some much-needed straightening up and cleaning! And then Tuesday evening during our Parent-Teacher's meeting, Rhonda returned! I was glad to see her back again. Although I didn't mind an "empty" house for a few days. It was good not to have only myself to talk to in the evenings! ;)
Later in the day you could find me at a local hotel's pool, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the salt-free water! A couple of the hotels here allow you to use their swimming pool if you buy food from their restaurant, so everyone once in a while we take advantage of that. The pool, which is in walking distance of the famed Grand Anse beach, is usually very empty (I wonder why!). Thursday was Corpus Christi - another Catholic holiday.
My evenings weren't empty either - this past week was the Limes Crusade which wasn't actually held in the Limes this year. It was our turn for a tent crusade and it was decided to have it in the nearby community of Frequente, in the Bronx. The evangelist for the week was Ted Steinruck from Fairview Mennonite Church. It was a very growing and profitable week.
On Friday it was our third and final Teacher's Day for the school year. We went to Airport Beach and played a number of games till lunchtime. Then we headed to the mall's food court for lunch. Friday evening after crusade I had three of the girls overnight that faithfully come to the Bible Study we have every week. We had fun shooting baskets, eating food, talking, taking pictures, and just hanging out. The next morning we headed to the beach for awhile, before coming back and cleaning up. Then it was off to another night of crusade.
Andrea, Toni, and Danesha |
On Saturday, I had two of my students from last year, Shanika and Briana, over for a sleepover after crusade again. Both of them live right here in the Limes and often stop by our house. Once again, we played games, made cookies and punch, and had fun together. They tried to insist that I sleep between them for the night, but after a previous experience (involving snoring,arms wrapped around my neck, and not much sleep for me), I told them I would sleep right across the hall from them. To say the least, this statement was not met with cheers. So I compromised and squished in between them until they had fallen asleep.
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Toni & I |
On Monday it was back to school again, and in the evening I took advantage of the empty house to do some much-needed straightening up and cleaning! And then Tuesday evening during our Parent-Teacher's meeting, Rhonda returned! I was glad to see her back again. Although I didn't mind an "empty" house for a few days. It was good not to have only myself to talk to in the evenings! ;)
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