Seems like when I don't want the weeks to fly by, that's when they do.  My sister, Kelly came to visit me on Tuesday of last week and stayed for a whole week.  I was counting down the days until she came!  The time that she was here seemed to fly by more than most weeks do.

Liming on the beach

Kelly with Nester, Stephon, Esther, Leon, & Shenique after hiking to the top of the hill

Nester, Stephon, and I on top of the hill

Kelly & I

Maria & Kelly

Me and the eel I caught
(Later we fried it up and ate it!) :)

Trying to entertain ourselves while waiting for the bus.

I was so happy my sister could come visit me, even if it was only for a week. :)  I was definitely sad to see her go. :'(  But we made some great memories while she was here and got in some much-needed sister-time!


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