Kite Day....
The mental image that I'm sure the students get as soon as they hear those words are: no school work, last day before Easter vacation, no uniforms, and lots of kite-flying-fun!
The mental image I get (and I'm pretty sure some other teachers do too): LOTS of kite thread to untangle; frustrated students when they can't get their kite to fly; crying or vexed students because their kite failed, their thread broke, they stepped on a pricker, or many other scenarios; and crossed kite strings.
Don't get me wrong - I don't HATE kite day. It's just not one of my absolute favorite days! But part of this kite day was actually spent working on school work with one student who had been sick and had a number of books to finish up.
Kyle |
Ashanti |
Leon |
Till the end of our Kite Day at Quarantine Point, only a few kites still remained in the sky. The rest were stuck in trees or some other inaccessible spot or floating away on the Caribbean Sea. But that didn't faze the students - they still had 2 whole weeks of holiday to look forward to!
Bryanna |
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